Abi now likes kiwi and is relatively more open to trying new food.
Abi now likes kiwi and is relatively more open to trying new food.
Abi seems to be entering an imitation and imagination stage. Â She is starting to show interest in stuffed animals / dolls, and she really likes doing what those around her do. Â For example, she now eats at the table with us, will only eat off a fork if she is the one who brings it to her mouth etc. Â . . . So get ready for more advanced play with her.
For the first time today, Abi threw a ball. Â It was a little juggling ball. Â Daddy reports that she did not get much distance.
Abi is very good at coming up with plans, only some of which she can execute. Â For example, she likes walking on a shaking bridge at the playground. Â She needs to hold on with both hands to make it across. Â Well, she had a sippy cup in her hands, and so she tried to throw it to the other side. She could not throw it far enough, so she walked around, picked up the sippy cup, went to the start of the bridge (lots of walking involved given the shape of the structure) and kept trying to throw it to the other side. Â Cognitive Ph.D. Daddy thinks this shows advanced cognitive ability – – definitely smarter than his brother Theo or sister Jasmine.
Today, we all went to the mall. Â Abi did not want to walk holding hands – – she wanted to walk on her own. Â Mommy told her “give me your hand or else you go in the stroller”. Â Abi gave Mommy her hand. Â This worked several times.
Abi loves the playground (well, every playground). Â She loves climbing up on structures, going up and down stairs, down slides etc.
Daddy reported that last week he and Abi went to the playground.  She got on a structure where  a little girl (2 or 3) was also standing.  The girl said “mine, mine” and “go away”.  Abi just stood there with arms folded refusing to leave.  Daddy thinks she understood what the other girl was trying to do.  She was also particularly interested in the fake steering wheel (which she previously had ignored but which the girl now wanted to play with).
No one messes with Abi.
Not only does she cry lyrically, but she now hums to songs!
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