Abi’s Razor

Posted by Mommy on Dec 16, 2009 in Uncategorized

Heard of Occam’s Razor? If not, see Wikipedia article describing Occam’s razor. Well, Abi’s Razor is the principle that if you are unsure of her goals, assume she is trying to take the most destructive path. Abi likes to stand up in her bath, and to drag items into the bath with her. Today, she was trying to pull a glass bowl into her bath.

In other news, Daddy reports that Abi was trying to reach his laptop in the living room. She knows that she is not allowed to touch his laptop. So, she crawled towards it whenever she thought that he was not looking at her. She looked very innocent when she did think that he was looking at her.


Abi’s 9 month physical

Posted by Mommy on Dec 16, 2009 in Uncategorized

Abi had her 9 month check-up today.   She is ahead of the curve on some of her gross motor skills such as cruising.  She is also advanced in certain aspects of cognitive development.  For example, it is early for her to understand object permanence (i.e., that an object or person exists even though she cannot see it at the moment).  It is also advanced for her to use “mama” as something beyond a nonsense word is fairly early.  We believe “mama” means “feed me now” and/or “play with me, Mommy”.

She is a little below average in height, and the doctor thinks that she will be around average height.  She is also below average in weight.  Given her cognitive & motor development, the doctor is not concerned about her growth.

Her diet should now include all foods besides nuts, honey, and shellfish.  She should be eating the same or similar food as we do, in addition to formula and/or breast milk.  She can stop drinking formula at 12 months, but can continue to breastfeed as long as she & Mommy want.

The doctor also indicated that she seems to have a milder case of stranger anxiety than most babies her age.

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